Photography: Catherine Roberts Leach Fountain Pens: Classic Fountain Pens Paper: Papéterie Nota Bene, Montreal People: Doctors Without Borders |
from: (More talk of eating alone and tourism)
The words that I list here are from my Word Book (fancy wrapping, fountain pen only) and are words that I came across and didn't know or that I once knew but had forgotten. Or they are words that I think of as particularly important for the times. Antinomianism, listed below, is such a word. So is rebarbative. There’s a wonderful book, now out of print, I Always Look Up The Word ‘Egregious’ by Maxwell Nurnberg. In it the author provides memory devices for words that are hard to remember and words that can be easily confused. Like venal and venial. Maybe I’ll include that dyad the next biweek.
American Heritage Dictionary, 4th Ed |
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